If you are New Labour your voice is listened to, if you are not it isn't.
A planning application approved though there were objections in Hurworth, yet if it is a Labour ward like perhaps Haughton it gets deferred for a site visit, this is just typical of this New Labour Council and its self serving Councillors.
Tonight whilst out canvassing Orchard Road an old gentleman told me a sorry tale of a broken promise.
Due to mobility problems the gentleman wanted a postal vote for himself and his Wife, New Labour had been canvassing two weeks before ourselves and a lady canvasser handed the gentleman two postal voting forms with the promise to pick them up the following evening and take them to the Town hall so as to make sure the gentleman and his wife could vote.
Of course you already know the end to this story, the forms were never picked up.
Who this lady canvasser is, we can only guess, the trouble is we should be used to broken promises by new labour, the residents of Pierremont are.
We have once again been accused, this time we have "shamefully" suggested that Darlington Memorial may close.
Actually we did not, Nick Wallis has it wrong, the closure was never suggested but we ended our letter to press with an open ended question (below).
"Is our hospital to close ward by ward until it is no longer viable, the land being sold to developers?"
Nick has had one comment so far left on his blog (below), it appears to back up and perhaps even answers our question. Staff at DMH are concerned, we will continue to question on their behalf and the people of Darlington.
Anonymous said... "The Memorial is buzzing with grapevine news that a super hospital is to be built in Sedgefield area replacing Darlo , Bishop & Durham's hospitals. The health staff fear for their future. Never mind "the NHS is safe in Labour's hands" !!!. Roll on May 3rd when NHS staff can have their say on this, & their derisory pay award, via the ballot box" !
Today is our patrons saint day, not that you would know as being English is frowned upon nowadays.
Watch the video, lyrics below.
Now its been twenty-five years or more Ive roamed this land from shore to shore From Tyne to Tamar, Severn to Thames From Moor to Vale from Peak to Fen Played in cafes and pubs and bars Ive stood in the street with my old guitar But Id be richer than all the rest If I had a pound for each request For Duelling Banjos American Pie Its enough to make you cry Rule Britannia or Swing low Are they the only songs the English know?
Seed, bud, flower, fruit Theyre never gonna grow without their roots Branch, stem, shoots - they need roots
After the speeches when the cakes been cut The discos over and the bar is shut At christening, birthday, wedding or wake What can we sing until the morning breaks When the Indian, Asians, Afro, Celts Its in their blood and below the belt Theyre playing and dancing all night long So what have they got right that weve got wrong?
Seed, bud, flower, fruit Never gonna grow without their roots Branch, stem, shoots we need roots
Haul away boys let them go Out in the wind and the rain and snow Weve lost more than well ever know Round the rocky shores of England
And a minister said his vision of hell Is three folk singers in a pub near Wells Well Ive got a vision of urban sprawl Its pubs where no one ever sings at all And everyone stares at a great big screen Over-paid soccer stars, prancing teens Australian soap, American rap Estuary English, baseball caps And we learn to be ashamed before we walk Of the way we look and the way we talk Without our stories or our songs How will we know where weve come from? Ive lost St George in the Union Jack Its my flag too and I want it back
Seed, bud, flower, fruit Never gonna grow without their roots Branch, stem, shoots we need roots
Haul away boys let them go Out in the wind and the rain and snow Weve lost more than well ever know Round the rocky shores of England
This from Labour Watch, New Labour Old Dirty Tricks.
Word reaches LW of an incident in Lemington ward, Newcastle, scene of a Lib Dem bye-election win a few months back. A LD deliverer was out delivering letters when he was approached by a man and a woman who said they had been sent out by the agent to take over from him.
On returning to base, the deliverer explained what had happened, to the confusion of the agent who said no such instructions had been given. On describing the two people, the deliverer gave a description matching the two Labour candidates who, not being from the area, the deliverer didn't recognise. However he was soon able to identify them from a Labour leaflet.
The police have been called and are investigating. Any such investigation may not be good news for Labour's Antoine Tinnion, who is a practising barrister (and Oxford, Cambridge, and Harvard educated). The Law Society may not take too kindly to such activities.
Any further reports of Labour dirty tricks welcomed.
I had several phone calls yesterday from Pierremont residents just letting me know that New Labour were out and about in the ward, one also pointed me towards Nick Wallis's blog (here). I do sometimes have a look at the babbling of Nicks, several thoughts occurred to me.
Firstly this photo was taken at the beginning of the canvass as from what I have heard they were not smiling as much when they left.
Secondly celebrity is hitting even local politics, on first inspection I thought the fella in the red jumper was Geoffrey from rainbow, but later realized it was in fact Stephen Harker.
Thirdly and this point was bought up by three of the callers, that no effort had be made as to turn out, not of the electorate, but of those who want your vote. It is to say the least a pretty scruffy bunch it shows a lack of respect in my eyes.
I wonder how long it has been since they have had to have the "big guns" out in Pierremont, the Council Leader, John Williams no less and of course Nick Wallis along with Rod, Jane Freddy and Bungal (or should that read BUNGLE), but a hattip to Williams a man whose reputation is in tatters as a leader for Darlington, for him to be out on the doorstep the new labour lot must be a tad worried.
We have been told that we have no chance of winning, admittedly this was by Marion Swifts daughter and you must respect that she is supporting her mothers endeavors, my message to her is that there are three excellent Conservative Candidates, any two of which will be happy for her other two votes.
Win or lose, one thing is for sure, they will know they have been in a fight.
A story in the Echo today stating how close to the end of the pedestrian heart scheme we are (here)has got to be a joke.
Just exactly when will this scheme come to an end, not for many years to come. Repairs are already required, this Labour council in its usual way to make itself look good just before an election has rushed the contractor to finish, the poor workmanship shows that.
This council has landed the Darlington tax payer years of maintainance costs for this farce.
"Last week, just before lunch on Wednesday, a man fell down the steps in the High Row area....just as John Williams and Nick Wallis were taking an inspection of the said area and no doubt thinking to themselves how wonderful they are, don't know about wonderful i can think of a word that describes these two better and funnily enough it begins with a "W" as well.
An ambulance was summonsed" but these two councillors being the dispicable human beings that they are turned tail and ran, oh how the milk of human kindness pours out of these two.
I wonder just how many accidents, claims and complaints have been sent to DBC and if there are any court cases pending for compensation.
But these are sort of idiots running our town, a contract for the pedestrian heart which gave DBC 90% of the liability, just how much is this going to cost Darlington tax payers in the long term, repairs are already needed.
This from, DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM by Piers Morgan. How about this our erstwhile MP had delusions of grandeur, funny I have always thought Milburn more of a LAPDOG than a TOPDOG, Lord Levy must have agreed.
Picture the scene. Piers is at a jewish fundraising dinner at which the Blairs are present. Lord Levy comes over to Morgan's table and the following conversation takes place...
'Hi mate, how are things?' he said cheerily. 'I'm fine thanks, Michael. How's it going your end? I see Milburn's beginning to make a few leadership noises...' 'Fuck Milburn,' said Levy, with a steely glint in his eye. 'If he makes any attempt to make a move on Tony then I will guarantee that none of the money in this room goes anywhere near him. let's see how he gets on then, shall we.' I laughed. You'd want Michael Levy on your side, definitely.
I wonder how many of his consultant position he owes to the people who were in that room.
Darlington Council, in Autumn, used to collect and deliver Leaves to all the allotments in the town, since Street Scene has started NO LEAVES. Where have they gone??.
This of course will be of little interest too many, but those who have allotments found this very useful. You would think it would fit in well with green/recycling issues.
In Yesterdays Echo a letter sent in by S Gibson (If I had a link I would have put here) was published that acussed Pierremont Conservative Candidates of using a Non-Political group for political gain, the offending piece reads;
“Kate has been working hard with the Friends of the Dene to help secure funding for a fun day on 28/04/07, it is hoped this will raise the profile of the group and gain more support for the work ahead. This is well worth supporting”.
How these few lines give a political connotation is beyond us. We praise the group for their hard work, we hope that the groups profile is raised, we advertise the fun day and say that this is an event that should be supported.
When New Labour degenerate to using party activists (S Gibson forgot to mention she is a New Labour activist) to send grubby little attack letters to the press, it shows that New Labour are devoid of ideas and have little or no ambition for Pierremont.
New Labour candidates have also used their work with the Friends group in their election literature in fact reading the literature some could be forgiven for believing that it is only the New labour Candidates that have ever done anything for the Denes.
Will S Gibson be exercising her freedom of speech and writing to the Echo again condemning New Labour, somehow we doubt it.