Friday, September 01, 2006


The Conservative Party Website

From the Echo;

Council leader Councillor John Williams said: "This proposal is at a very early stage and the council does not want it to go any further without hearing the views of residents, traders and anyone else with an interest in the town."

On hearing the views of "residents, traders and anyone else with an interest in the town" will he actually take note? After all, he and his council had great difficulty in understanding the emphatic "NO" over the pedestrian heart scheme.

I along with many thousands of other residents had always thought that Darlington was a "Market Town", how wrong we were, it is a "Supermarket Town".

How very, very sad that we have allowed this ruination of our great town by those, who in my opinion are just out to line the pockets of themselves and their sycophantic followers.

If this is allowed to go through it will spell the end of all small businesses in the town. The bespoke traders are the reason for many visitors to keep returning to Darlington, they can visit Boots, WH Smiths and most other nationals anywhere, the small businesses are what make Darlington unique.

It seems that you can take the man out of militant Liverpool, but you cannot take the militant out of the man. It may well be that he is after his own bit of history by bankrupting Darlington, after all we must now owe millions. How much of our council tax goes to paying off debt.


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