Friday, June 15, 2007

The Right Thing To Do

The Conservative Party Website

In what has been a week of remembering those who died during the Falklands War, an interview that will never be aired has been bought to light, why the left leaning media still wish to demonise Thatcher is beyond me. Margret Thatcher can sleep soundly, can Blair with the blood he has on his hands?.

A recent interview between ITN's James Mates and the Captain of the Belgrano, Hector Bonzo, in which the good Captain tells it how it was. Astonishingly, ITN has chosen not to let the interview see the light of day. James Mates asks whether it is true that his ship posed 'a real threat' to the task force.

Captain Hector Bonzo: "Yes, I agree with that statement. I think we posed a real threat... we never had any intention of going back to shore; we were only waiting for the right moment to act."

The full piece by Charles Moore can be read in the Spectator


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